On a quiet Sunday evening I have decided to forgo my evening siesta and write something after a long hiatus. I have kept my self busy by attending workshop on Photography and also completing a course on Air rifle shooting. Due to my interest in photography I got to see many new places which was wonderful but which also meant that I was as busy on weekends as I am during the weekdays…
The Pied Crested Cuckoo also called the Rain bird has arrived in Mumbai signalling that it may Rain soon and keeping with time I have changed my caller tune.
I have never liked rains ever since I was kid. Its surprising that after living in Mumbai for 23 years I still haven’t gotten to love it as much as my family and friends do. As a kid whenever it rained it meant staying indoors with the adults since you couldn’t go out and play. It also meant paying a visit to my local doctor. I use to wait when the Sun will come out and I can rush outside to play.
As it happens in Life you meet some one who helps you change your opinion.
Sujata loved rains ever since she was kid… every time it would rain a smile would break on her face. She didn’t saw the pot holes filled roads, the jammed packed buses or the slowing down of trains, she only saw the rain droplets trickling down her face.
We no longer share the friendship we did once and having our differences decided to take different paths. As time passes and I get older I will forget some of the moments we shared. But come rains and I am sure that there is someone who will be dancing and smiling. So Do I love rains? It cannot be answered in yes or no but I don’t hate them any more like I use too…